Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Spare Parts


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    Strictly payment with order. Your order will only be processed once we receive payment in full. We accept most major Credit cards and Bank Transfer.

    Gestpay protects the transactions and the payment card data, because it is being compliant with all the main existing security systems.
    TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a cryptographic protocol for the online data transfer security that allows a highest security level during the transactions, also due to the fact that Gestpay uses version 1.2 or higher.

    3D Secure
    3D Secure is the antifraud protection system that grants a further protective measure for online purchases and allows Gestpay to validate transactions. This security protocol matches your client’s card with a personal secret password that will be asked, typically by sms, to authenticate the payment. So you will always be sure that the payment is performed by the authorized cardholder.

    PCI-DSS  Lo standard PCI (Payment Card Industry) DSS (Data Security Standard) èun insieme di requisiti pensato per garantire la sicurezza delle informazioni sui titolari di carte di credito e debito, sviluppato dai membri fondatori del PCI Security Standards Council, che includono America Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB, MasterCard Worldwide e Visa International. Gestpay èconforme con la piùrecente versione di questo standard, la PCI-DSS 3.2.


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